Showing posts with label Ubuntu Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ubuntu Tips. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Missing side bar, Missing Menu bar , Missing icons and Missing "close resize and minimize icons" in Ubuntu 14.04 64bit LTS

This issue was a nightmare. I have tried various solutions to solve this issue but nothing worked. I tried reinstalling unity, resetting unity, reinstalling compiz packages etc and ended up without solving the issue.

Many solutions available in net are for 12.04 , 12.10 etc versions but not for Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit version.

Before trying this solution, make sure you have taken backup of your valuable data. I didn't loose any data but on safe side, its always good to take backup before trying which we are not sure about it.

To solve this issue just change your directory to your home directory.

Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 , enter your username and password.

 cd <home-directory>  
 sudo rm -rf .config  
 sudo rm -rf .compiz/compiz-1  

That's it, reboot the machine and now you should see icons back on the screen :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to open chm files in Ubuntu 14.04. Which package to install.

I have been searching for package(s) to install to open chm files. Below command worked like magic.

 sudo apt-get install xchm  

While install press Y. After installation,click on any  *.chm file it will open automatically.