Showing posts with label Interrupts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interrupts. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Interrupts and Interrupt handlers

If you are an embedded engineer, you might be dealing with interrupts in your daily work. Though its simple concept, its thought complex.

To put them in layman words, interrupts allow hardware to communicate with processor which in turn informs the Operating System to perform certain task.

Harware -> Interrupt -> Interrupt controller -> Processor -> Operating System ->  Serve Interrupt. 

Interrupt is physically produced by the hardware and directed into input pins on an Interrupt controller.

Once the interrupt is directed towards Interrupt controller, it informs the Processor.

Processor then notifies the underlying Operating System to handle the interrupt appropriately.

Operating system serves each Interrupt with unique handler and distinguishes each interrupt with its unique id.

Just remember above sequence, and it will help you during technical discussions.